Your family chiropractor checks your spine for vertebral subluxation and adjusts you when necessary. This ensures that your nerve/communication system, including your brain, works as efficiently as possible.
BrainSpan | The foundation of well-being is brain health
Today the average American has a ratio of Arachidonic Acid (an Omega-6) to EPA (an Omega-3) of 24:1.... a healthy level is 5:1 or less. Rates of serious chronic diseases increase each year in the United States. 2/3 of all Americans will have significant cognitive decline by the age of 70. 50 percent of those will go on to develop dementia.
It's time for a different approach.
Trust in Practice | Perinatal and Pediatric Care
Chiropractic and Childbirth Education
Does chiropractic help with fertility? Fertility and Chiropractic
According to the American Pregnancy Association, “In many cases, fertility issues may be associated with improper nervous system function, poor nutrition, high stress, and poor lifestyle habits.” Chiropractors are nervous system specialists, and reducing interference in the nervous system is their primary goal.
Resolution of Chronic Migraines in a 15-Year-Old Male
To report on the positive health outcomes following chiropractic in a teenage male suffering from chronic migraines.
Clinical Features:
The patient was a 15-year-old male presenting with a chief complaint of migraine headaches that began when he was three years of age.
Interventions and Outcomes:
Kale Upper Cervical Specific Protocol was utilized to manage this case. On the first visit, the patient was placed in the knee-chest posture and following adjustment, the sharp pressure he was experiencing prior began to alleviate. Over the next 24-month period the patient had experienced only 5 migraine headaches. Prior to chiropractic care the patient was averaging migraines once every 3 weeks.
We described the successful care of a 15-year-old male suffering from chronic recurrent migraine headaches with successful outcomes. We encourage continued documentation in the care of similar patients to inform practice and research.
Jarek Esarco DC & Joel Alcantara DC
Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research ~ Volume 2022 ~ January 11, 2022
Who Are You in 2022?
He Who Laughs, Lasts!
It has been said that laughter is the best medicine. That’s because it’s not just fun, it’s actually good for you! When you laugh, your whole body responds in a variety of positive ways that take no effort on your part. It really is an AMAZING thing and that’s no joke!
Laughter exercises your lungs. Laughing makes you breathe in more oxygen which in turn stimulates your lungs improving lung capacity and lung function. Ha ha ha!!
Laughter boosts your immune system. Studies show that laughing decreases stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies. This is turn improves your resistance to disease. Whoop whoop!!
Laughter relaxes your muscles. Laughing stimulates circulation which brings fresh oxygenated blood to all your muscles, helps relax your whole body, and can relieve some of the physical tension of stress. A really good laugh could leave your muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes. Hardy har har!!
Laughter can protect your heart. Improved circulation can also benefit blood vessel function and increase blood flow which can help protect you against a heart attack and other heart problems. LOL!!!
Laughter just feels good. Laughing prompts the release of endorphins which are the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. Endorphins promote an overall sense of well-being and can even temporarily relieve pain. Giggle giggle giggle!!!
Laughter burns calories. Well, not a LOT of calories so your still need to fit in your exercise. However, studies have shown that laughing for 10 to 15 minutes can burn 50 or more calories which could be enough to lose three or four pounds a year. ROFLMBO!!!
Laughter may even help you live longer. Multiple studies have shown that laughing may lead to a longer life. The difference was noted especially in cancer patients. Although they do not fully understand why, researchers suspect that laughing reduces inflammatory compounds in the body which is especially beneficial with diseases like arthritis and cancer. AMAZING!!
Laughter triggers the production of several different chemicals in your body. Chemicals are made by glands and to function properly glands require clear communication with the brain via the nerve system. Sometimes, bones in your spine can misalign and distort the communication between the brain and the glands, then your body chemistry won’t be what it should be.
That’s why seeing your family chiropractor regularly is so important. He or she will check your spine to ensure that misalignments, called vertebral subluxations, are not interfering with the proper function of your nerve system. When your spine is well aligned you will get all the AMAZING benefits of every hearty laugh.
So go ahead and yuk it up a little. Or better yet, yuk it up a LOT!! It’s good for you!! And don’t forget to count your AMAZING body as something to be thankful for this November.
—By Judy Nutz Campanale, DC, ACP
Onward and Upward: Living a Life Uncommon
D.D. Palmer, who founded chiropractic in 1895, described as “Innate Intelligence.” Dr.
Palmer chose the term “innate” to convey the idea of something we’re born with, something that’s part of our “inner essential nature.” In Dr. Palmer’s day, the word could also be used as a verb, meaning “to cause to exist” or “to call into being.”
Resolution of Essential Tremors in a Female Patient Undergoing Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care:
Essential tremor (ET) is one of the most common movement disorders with a worldwide prevalence of 0.4% to 3.9% in the general population. It is estimated to be 20 times more prevalent than Parkinson’s. In the United States it is estimated that seven million individuals, and 1 in 25 adults over the age of 40 suffer from ET.