Old Dad Chiro (D.D. Palmer’s) Timeless Wisdom

Old Dad Chiro (D.D. Palmer’s) Timeless Wisdom

Chiropractic, much like a tree reaching towards the sunlight, is driven by a core thesis introduced by DD Palmer. The varied branches of this tree—each representing different methodologies, practices, and focuses within chiropractic—demonstrate the field’s adaptability and breadth. Some practitioners might lean towards a philosophy-heavy approach, emphasizing the principle of Universal Intelligence and its implications for health and healing.

Germ Theory, New Perspectives

Germ Theory, New Perspectives

Perhaps the reason virologists can’t find any method to distinguish these particles from each other, in spite of the fact that they can pull a single molecule out of virtually any complex solution, can only be because there is nothing to distinguish. I submit that all viruses are exosomes/EVs. They are all generated from our tissues. None are pathogens.