First Office Visit Information
We want to make your first visit amazing!
Please allow 90 minutes for your first visit to our office. We will need to gather preliminary information and the extra time is needed only for your first visit to Complete Wellness Chiropractic. We encourage you to bring a family member or significant other with you.
Our office is designed for family wellness so the kids are more than welcome to come along on this day. Below are a few things we will be doing to have you prepared ahead of time.
Below are a few things we will be doing to have you prepared ahead of time.
“Dr. Rob and Complete Wellness Chiropractic = The TOTAL Package. Optimal health is their goal! They truly care about your health and well being! Friendly, caring, and compassionate...nothing short of AWESOME! ”
Paperwork: Completing our initial paperwork thoroughly helps us to insure we can help you reach the health goals you are asking from us. Your doctor will use this information as a piece of the puzzle when formulating the best individualize care program for you.
Consultation: You will meet your doctor and be asked many questions about your health and lifestyle during this time. You will also meet the staff who will all play a role in helping your family achieve optimal health while at Complete Wellness Chiropractic.
Nervous System Scan: In our office we use the Insight Subluxation Station, which is certified by the Space Foundation. The Space Foundation is a non-profit entity that works in cooperation with NASA.
This technology, which we are very proud of objectively, analyzes the function of your spine and nervous system, which cannot be seen on X-Ray or outward appearances. The scan is painless and the non-invasive tests will help us characterize abnormal activity surrounding your spine to truly determine your state of health.
Gowns are provided so we can have access to your back for this simple painless procedure. These scans will further help you to monitor your progress at all times while under care in our office.
Examination: The best physical, orthopedic, neurological, postural, gait and chiropractic tests will be performed to determine the state of your nervous system, spine and overall health. Loose comfortable clothing is recommended.
X-Rays: If necessary we will take unique X-rays of your spine to evaluate the wear and tear that has occurred over the years and further access your true state of well-being. Your first visit is now complete. We work hard to analyze all the above information and get it to you on your second day visit, usually within 24-48 hours after your first visit.
Read information about future visits.
Call us at (803) 650-3770 or book through our online scheduler below.