Traditional Chiropractic typically has the following goals:
1. Decrease muscle spasms
2. Improve range of motion
3. Temporarily reduce pain
While these goals are wonderful, we at Complete Wellness believe there is far more that can be done for our patients’ daily and lifelong wellness.
Neuro-Structural Chiropractic
By focusing on identifying and correcting Neuro-Structural Dysfunctions, not only do we look further than traditional chiropractic goals, we achieve long-term strength and wellness for the spine, for the body’s nervous system which runs through the spine, for every organ and system in the body. We have found that when Neuro-Structural Dysfunctions are corrected, our patience patients begin to experience measurable improvements in a wide variety of Secondary Conditions.
Neuro-Structural Dysfunctions occur when the spine’s discs have shifted from their normal orientation in such a way that compromises the integrity and efficiency of the rest of the body. This results in a host of Secondary Conditions.
Think about body temperature, tire pressure, blood pressure, even swimming pool maintenance. All of these things have values, levels, or ranges which are considered normal, and indicators to let us know when they are abnormal. The same is true with the spine. A flat tire is a secondary condition not necessarily the root cause. Similarly, a secondary condition is like a flat tire, indicating that the spine’s neuro-structural components may be out of alignment.
Neuro-Structural Chiropractors look for the presence of indicators to determine whether a person’s spine is within the normal range or whether some degree of structural shift has occurred and is causing neurological dysfunction. These indicators help us evaluate whether your secondary symptoms have a Neuro-Structural root cause.
At Complete Wellness Chiropractic we use a variety of advanced, non-invasive testing to measure our patient’s structural and neurological health. These are often a major contributing factor of the many reasons our patients first come into the office. Secondary conditions such as headaches, colic, lower back pain during pregnancy and anxiety usually have a deeper root cause.