Looking for a New Home to Practice ChiropracTIC…
We are looking to add to our tribe!
This is an opportunity for a D.C. who loves chiropractic and loves working with families! More importantly, appreciates making a great living for themselves and family. There is no reason why someone in this position should not be able to bring in $80,000-125,000 per year.
Our office has been successfully delivering subluxation driven and lifestyle wellness care for over 10 years. We deliver Chiropractic first and always, lifestyle recommendations second. We are located in a beautiful lake community in Fort Mill, South Carolina. Our small town feel ~27,000 population is a small sized community to settle into, yet we are only 22 minutes from Downtown Charlotte. We are 20 minutes from the airport, 2 hours from the mountains and 3 hours away from the ocean. Lake Wylie is in our back yard with 325 miles of shoreline. Our community has been the fastest growing county for over 10 years and counting and was labeled best place to raise a family and safest communities over the past 3 years.
To describe our practice best, here are a few names and concepts to help: We are subluxations centered and speak subluxation here. Our philosophical constructs include Holism, Vitalism and a Salutogenic model. Recent philosophy as you might hear from Dr. Patrick Gentempo, Dr. Christopher Kent and Dr. John DeMartini. Pregnant moms, kiddos and families are the core of our practice. We treasure the ICPA, their instructors and the training they deliver to our profession. We follow paleo concepts similar to the teachings of Dr. James Chestnut and his Lifestyle and Wellness Certification through the ICA. Business principles as laid by Rick Sapio and Business Finishing School. We have developed specific programs to support our patients healthier lifestyles through eating, moving and connected thinking. We utilize specific hands on techniques for structural corrections like Gonstead, Thompson, Logan and even diversified as would be taught be great instructors at Palmer, Sherman, Life and a small handful of other schools. We have a x-ray unit on site and are not afraid of it. We honor tonal work and utilize Torque Release Technique as Dr. Jay Holder teaches and similar like Toggle Recoil, MC2 or similar. We appreciate the hard work Dr. Matt McCoy and others have contributed to subluxations based research. We value what we do, strive for excellence, work hard to be compliant and never devalue what chiropractic care can offer by giving things away. This is but an umbrella of what happens in our office daily over the past 10 years.
If any of this makes sense to you please consider reaching out to us for more information. We are looking for a Independent Contractor to join our mission and lead the patients we would be serving in a similar fashion and message. Make the income you deserve and get paid for your hard work. We have an extensive interview process to help insure this would be an excellent mutual fit.
With the contract we have put together you should be able to thrive. Work hard, take great care of patients and be successful. Seeing 60 patients per week at a $50.00 DVA you should easily be able to bring in $90,000 a year! Want to see 100 at a similar DVA and bring in upwards of $150,000 a year.
The best part though, you would be an independent contractor. Learn from us and utilize the world class systems we have time tested. Also learn the many areas we have failed to not go and repeat yourself or continue to be the amazing D.C. you already are in a new home. Set your own hours, work when and how you choose, do what you truly want and need to do to be a successful ChiropracTOR. It's up to you, we are there as a guide and umbrella, you get to make it happen.
If you are serious about learning more please reach out to me directly by sending a Resume/CV and why this is an opportunity you would like to be considered for.
I look forward to speaking to you.
Robert Cynowa Jr., D.C., C.C.E.P., C.C.W.P.