COVID-19 Update
To all our amazing patients past, present and community friends,
As you all are well aware, COVID-19 has swept our nation with uncertainty and fear. We have been closely monitoring the constantly evolving situation. Public health is one of the many roles we play in the healthcare landscape. There is no question that this disease is spreading. The better question is how can you best prepare and continue to live life through this time. As health care providers, our first and most important priority will always be our patients, staff and family. Therefore, I wanted to share a few thoughts of my own and some important updates for you as well.
Due to COVID-19 being so new, we seem to be learning more and more about this illness everyday. With that being said, there is still plenty we do not know. If you have spent any bit of time watching the media, most experts are still regularly disagreeing on who/what/when and where. There is not a standard medical treatment, so to speak, there is not a vaccine, it even seems like there are very limited ways to test for it. The only thing that seems to be agreed upon is that you should wash your hands and avoid sticking your fingers in your mouth and nose.
Do not forget though, germs on your hands will not infect you. Yet, germs on your hands that you share with points of entry into your body (eyes, nose, mouth and a few others you can imagine) will increase your likelihood of transmitting an illness. So don’t forget to think about washing your hands, before you use the restroom, not just after. Also do not forget, that all this still has to pass through your immune system. If a kiddo walks into a classroom with a cold, 4 kids get sick and 10 do not. Other than direct exposure, each kiddos immune system plays a role and so will yours in the coming months. (More on this in a second).
While you are at our office, we have taken many additional steps to help you stay healthy and safe throughout this time. Here are just a few we wanted to fill you in on.
· Although we regularly clean and disinfect our office, tables and common areas, we have amped up our protocols and are regularly disinfecting and sanitizing our office throughout the day.
· We have always and will continue to regularly use hand sanitizer between every patient encounter and are washing our hands multiple times throughout the day.
· In order to prevent any unnecessary spread of germs we have put up the toys and a few other items. (This has made us sad, yet hopefully everyone will understand). We also have removed the treasure chest yet will still be offering an option of treasures for all the wonderful kiddos we get to see every day.
· We have added additional time to patient appointments and will be doing our best to spread out appointments wherever we can. Please be patient with us if we try to move your appointment up or down 15 minutes over the next few months.
· We have added a high quality Vitamin C supplement, that is available to you, that we feel is a foundational piece along with Vitamin D3 and Probiotics in creating better health.
· If you feel you are sick, please call our office ahead of time so we can discuss your options and/or help schedule you at a more private time. Currently the CDC is stating, "Mildly ill patients should be encouraged to stay home and contact their healthcare provider by phone for guidance about clinical management."
· If you feel you fall into a immuno-compromised category (elderly, infants or other concerns) please call our office so we can schedule you at a more private time.
Last, the one area that I personally feel very strong about, that the media is not reporting on, is the role of your immune system. Your immune system is the ultimate treatment for anything that comes your way. A strong immune system can not only protect you if you are exposed to unwanted bacteria or virus’, yet also determines how quickly and efficiently you fight off these unwanted invaders.
The positive news in all of this is that your nervous system is the coordinator of all immune system activity. Those under Neuro-Structural Chiropractic care have a more organized, efficient and optimized nervous system. How do we know this…we test it, that is why we consider the objective measures we use unique and critical when times like these occur. A more efficiently operating nervous system shown through nerve tests and improving heart rate variability scores, will play a significant role in the effectiveness of your immune system responses. Not only to COVID-19, but all other illness we face daily and in years to come. It’s a great time to be well adjusted! I consider it a privilege and honor to be able to care for my tribe of patients during these higher stress times.
One last piece of the puzzle that we cannot forget. Your body has more velocity to respond when it has great nutrients (think veggies and supplements), regular exercise (30 minutes/day), adequate sleep (7-9 hours/night) and a positive mental attitude.
If you have questions about additional strategies to improve your overall health, please do not hesitate to ask. As you may know, it is one of my favorite things to discuss. We are here for you. We will be here throughout, following the advice of our state and federal public health officials, looking after your best interest.
Stay positive, turn the TV/social media connection off from time to time and get some early Spring sunshine.
Dr. Cynowa and the Complete Wellness Chiropractic Team
Complete Wellness Chiropractic
1520 Onyx Ridge Suite 101
Fort Mill, South Carolina, 29708
United States